A bot to create and manage suggestions.


Bot Name: Suggestions

Description: A bot to create and manage suggestions


General Requirements

Must use slash commands, buttons, and modals


NameSyntax ([] = Optional, <> = Required)
suggest/suggest | Opens a modal where the user can input the suggestion to submit. Every suggestion has an id that starts from 0 and can be used to approve or deny it. It must be stored in a database and it should be different from the message id
suggestion accept/suggestion accept <id> | Changes the embed color of the suggestion to green (#CAFFBF) and changes the footer to `Approved by <Username>`.
suggestion deny/suggestion deny <id> | Changes the embed color of the suggestion to red (#FFADAD) and changes the footer to `Denied by <Username>`.
suggestion implement/suggestion implement <id> | Changes the embed color of the suggestion to yellow (#FDFFB6) and changes the footer to `Implemented`. The suggestion must be accepted before it can be marked as implemented.

Development Overview

Project Structure

.github/ └── workflows/ `Defines files related to building the project automatically on github`

prisma/ └── schema.prisma `Defines Database Schema`

src/ `Contains all source files` ├── index.ts `Starts the bot, and assigns all event listeners` ├── commands/ `Holds all command files` ├── lib/ `Holds all class definitions` │ └── Discord/ `Wrapper classes over discord.js` └── util/ `Holds all utility methods` │ └── interactionHandlers/ `Holds all handler functions for interactions`

.env `Holds environment variable definitions for local development`

Dockerfile `Contains instructions on building the project via Docker`


Database Setup (local)

If you are trying to develop this project locally it does not make sense to use a production database to test with.

In order to properly host a database, the recommended method is using Docker.

This can be done via the following command: `docker run -d --name mysql -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret mysql:5`

Create a .env file in the root of the project with the following values set appropriately.

When you use Docker, you can just populate docker environment variables using `-e <KEY>=<VALUE>` in the run command.

`DATABASE_URL`: Either set to `mysql://root:[email protected]/suggestionsbot` if you followed the "Database Setup (local)" step or your database string if hosted externally. **Must be MySQL**

`DISCORD_TOKEN`: Set to the value you get from the discord developer page. Bot must be in the same guild as listed below

`DISCORD_GUILD_ID`: This is the guild that will be used for registering commands.

`DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID`: Channel where suggestion Embeds should be sent.


There are 2 methods of building the project:

1. with npm using `npm run build`

2. with docker using `docker build . --network="host" -t ss`


1. You must run `npm run db` every time you update the db schema

2. run `npm start` to start